24 August, 2011

Outside Influences

A quick challenge to you all: don't match the Word to your thinking; match your thinking to the Word. If there is one thing I have come to notice in myself and many other Christians, it is that we base what the Scriptures say based on your life's experiences. The Word makes it very plain what God desires to do in our lives, yet we have et religious doctrines and ideas steal those promises from us. Many of these ideas come as a result of somebody not seeing the manifestations of the Biblical promises in their own lives. How many times have we heard Christians claim to have "tried" something, only to have it not work out? Does this mean it was not God's Will to come through on their behalf? Of course not. How can we trust the Bible if it only proves to be true some of the time? You might as well discontinue using it and go play outside.

Unfortunately, many Christians are already doing this, and, as a result, they are not seeing the manifestations of the Biblical promises in their lives. There is very little faith in God's Word, thus there is little "Fruit." Then, when troubles arise in the lives of others, they are quick to give their "advise" which is rooted in their failures. That's when we hear phrases like, "If it's God's Will..." Scripture is emphatic on what is and is not God's Will. That does not mean that we see it happening every minute of everyday in every Christian's life. Many Christians are moved more by their past or present experiences, rather than what the Bible says. It changes their perspective on Biblical truth. Those perceptions change how they think about the Word. How a person thinks is how they become (Proverbs 23:7). Don't take what you or another person has experienced and use it to change what the Bible says regarding your circumstances. Take what the Word says, and change your circumstances.

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