03 October, 2010

Dear Christianity

Dear Christianity,

It is with a heavy heart that I write to you today. It is no secret that we haven't always gotten along; we have had our fights; we have said things we regret. As with all relationships, there have been growing pains. But you have really done it this time, my friend. I hope this letter is received well by you, and that you understand that it is not my intent to cut you down, but to show you what going on around you - and why I feel the way I do.

First, I must commend you: you have done many wonderful things in our world. Thank you for showing me Jesus, and for keeping me from abandoning Him in times of crisis. Thank you for your servants heart; for blessing many less-fortunate in communities both at-home and abroad. You have a good heart, Christianity. I know you mean well. You are trying to follow the commands of our Lord. Unfortunately, I must inform you: you are becoming a menace - causing more grief than good. And so I write, imploring you: get your act together, Christianity.

How do you teach from one Manual, and yet you continue to do nothing but divide? How is it that you claim to have The Answer, yet you live in a constant state of fear, doubt, and despair? You are full of bickering, battling over ridiculous dogmas and creeds. I find that you rather follow the religious musings of dead men, rather than the precious Word of our Living Father. Instead of heeding the warnings of the risen Jesus in Mark 7, you continue to embrace your religious traditions - thus making the Word of God of no-effect in your life. Christianity, you teach the writings of Paul, who pleads and warns us against such vain deceit in his letter to the church at Colossae. Then you proclaim these vain deceits and traditions of men as truth from your pulpits! You are becoming a hypocrite; you are increasingly double-minded. Are we lowly sinners, or are we the righteousness of God? You can never decide. What happened to "one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism"? Christianity, many of your churches have no faith. Few believe our Lord will give them desires of their hearts, or that He is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think. You taught them that: to go against the very words of our Father in heaven. You have found ways to contradict the very words of God you claim to profess.

Look at your history. Many have given their lives for our Lord's cause - but they died at your hand, Christianity. Even now people go to war within your congregations. You have a form of godliness, but you deny your own power to bless, prosper and heal. Do you still not realize that it is our Father Who has given us His Word, and that it is pure and holy and right? It needs no further academic interpretation! How are we so divided?! How do you sing songs of being blessed and highly favored, and then cut-down the men and women who preach that blessing from the pulpit? You teach us that God will always provide, and then you live constant fear and doubt that calamity will strike. It is said in your sanctuaries that we are not of this world, but your members look no different those who regret our Lord and Savior. They are broke, angry, slanderous, unbelieving gossips. And you have taught me to be just like them.

Many will not come to know the goodness and glory of our Father because of what you have done, Christianity. I still have difficulty seeing it. they will not Jesus as I do, nor will they listen to me try, because they have watched you from afar. They watch you cut-down your own. They see your divisions; they hear your hypocrisies; they feel your judgment.

Your enemy is running rampant about you. He scoffs at your in-fighting. He revels in your poverty. He knows you have the power to thwart his every step, but his deceitfulness and distractions have left you more concerned for "being right" in your doctrines than for the lives of men. Your enemy has filled you with fear of walking in the fullness of our Lord's Blessing. Now he has the hearts and minds of our Father's beloved, because you lack the means and resources to reach them.

Because of you, I have friends who do not know Jesus. They don't even want to listen to me. They have been hurt by you, Christianity. I have been hurt by you. I have been in your midst for decades, yet I am still so under-prepared to tackle the Commission our Lord has given me. I Implore you to get yourself together! Stop diluting our Father's holy Word with your religious trash! Put away your powerless doctrines, your ancient dogmas, and your lifeless theologies. Pick up the Word of God Almighty; it needs no academic interpretation. Remember where you came from; remember who you are and Whose you are. You have The Answer people need; I would appreciate it if you would act like it. 


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