02 May, 2011

American Gift

"...in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them" ~Psalm 139:16b.

For those who know me, they have heard many rantings and ravings concerning the Heresy of Election (that religious concept of God choosing favorites and declaring those fit for heaven and hell prior to one even being born). It takes a very poor understanding of the Scripture to come up with such a horrible notion that our Lord only died for a select few, that God views different people in a varying degrees of admiration, and that "For there is no partiality with God" (Romans 2:11) means something other than "there is no partiality with God!" Election, Predestination, Sovereignty - all doctrines based in a poor, lazy reading of the Word of God. Most religious Christians teach that the Bible speaks of God being in absolute control over the most minute details of every persons life, so much so that it has left many Christians with little reason to try to accomplish much of anything. "God is Sovereign" is a phrase so eloquently described by Evangelist Jesse Duplantis: "Boy they rode that donkey 'til it died!" Well said, good sir. The Bible is clear that we have more power and authority in our lives than most ministers, priests, or pastors will ever realize or admit. And that in no way takes away from God, His might, His authority, or His Lordship. After all, He is the One Who made the system this way. We are the ones too ignorant (or arrogant) to follow His ways.

However, they are many things we cannot control - things that really are up to God's absolute Sovereignty. That is what I want to focus on, because it hits home especially close on a day like today. In the wake of yesterday's events, I am struck with a sense of overwhelming gratitude towards the Lord for making the decision I could not. Just hours before learning of the news that sent most Americans in exuberant celebration, I was reading through the book of Acts, just so happening to begin my reading with Paul's sermon to the Athenians at Mars Hill. What stands out the most at a time like this is 17:26-27: 

And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; (NKJV)

Every nation on this earth is a result of the Lord's Sovereign design. Every person is on this earth for a specific reason. In God's eyes, there are no accidents. The United States of America is a result of God's purpose and plan for the world we live in. You are a result of the purpose and plan of God for the world we live in. You did not get to decide who to be born to, where to be born at, or what time period to be born in. That was God's choice. That struck me deeply last night a my wife and I sat down to pray after watching the news. God chose me to be an American. Regardless of what you may think of the man, nothing any human being could ever do would be horrid enough to receive the punishment he is enduring at this very moment. I am moved by that thought today. God gave me the privilege and the advantage of being able to spend my time on earth as an American. I was born into a home with two strong Christian parents. I had the advantage of growing up in church - almost to over-saturation. I was never placed in a position to be exposed to ungodly teaching. I have never been exposed to the poisonous philosophies of our "enemies." The rough financial periods throughout my life pale in comparison to so may others throughout the world. My city is beautiful. The plumbing works. I have more than four t-shirts. My pants are in one piece. 

God never intended for this world to be splintered off into various nations and people groups. We were designed to be one. Yet, as a result of the Fall, things went off-course, and changes needed to be made. In heaven we will be one Nation once again. For now, though, I am given the privilege of God to spend my time on this earth as an American. There are so many Christians in this world hiding, giving their very lives for a Gospel that I still find intimidating to share with some. May we never again take for granted the awesome Blessing it is to grow up in such a Blessed and prosperous land. We were placed here in these Last Days for a purpose. Our freedoms are under attack, not just from radicals throughout the world, but within our own borders. If we get too comfortable, we will lose our rights to worship at the hands of our very own people. I do not believe the time has come for a shift in our nations time and boundaries, but that does not mean we can sit idly by. The people of Israel were promised a land flowing with milk and honey when they left Egypt. However, only .000001% of those who left Goshen ever entered the Promised Land. That was not God's plan. If we sit idly by, God's plan for us will never come to fruition. We could have been placed anywhere at anytime. But He chose us to live here, to live now. We get to be Americans. We get to be Christians. Treasure that gift. You will be asked to give an account for it one day. 

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